I am planning to collect all my little helper units in a single repository.
I'm starting with TSpecialFolder.
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I'm starting with TSpecialFolder.
TSpecialFolder = record private class function GetSpecialFolder(CSIDL: Integer) : string; static; class function GetProgramFiles : string; static; class function GetProgramFilesX86 : string; static; class function GetUserDocuments : string; static; class function GetAppData : string; static; class function GetCommonAppData : string; static; class function getTempPath: string; static; public class property ProgramFiles : string read GetProgramFiles; class property ProgramFilesX86 : string read GetProgramFilesX86; class property UserDocuments : string read GetUserDocuments; class property UserAppData : string read GetAppData; class property CommonAppData : string read GetCommonAppData; class property TempPath : string read getTempPath; end;
procedure Save; begin SaveDialog1.InitialDir := TSpecialFolder.UserDocuments; if SaveDialog1.Execute then begin // Save the file end; end;You can get the unit from my delphi-helpers git repository https://code.google.com/p/delphi-helpers/
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