The newest Delphi comes with anonymous Threads, which are a very easy way to make your application multithreaded, which is very useful to make some big calculations in the background, while the UI is still responding. However, sometimes you need things to be done in order. Enter TTasklist:
type TProc = reference to procedure; TTaskList = class private fTasks : TThreadedQueue<TProc>; fTerminated : boolean; procedure start; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure addTask(aTask : TProc); procedure Terminate; end;
TTaskList uses a ThreadSafe Queue to store the tasks, which are basically anonymous methods. The constructor creates the queue and starts a new thread which executes one task after another.
constructor TTaskList.Create; begin fTasks := TThreadedQueue<TProc>.Create; fTerminated := false; start; end; procedure TTaskList.addTask(aTask: TProc); begin fTasks.PushItem(aTask); end; procedure TTaskList.start; begin TThread.CreateAnonymousThread( procedure begin while not fTerminated do begin if fTasks.QueueSize > 0 then fTasks.PopItem.Invoke; end; end ).Start; end; procedure TTaskList.Terminate; begin fTerminated := true; end; destructor TTaskList.Destroy; begin Terminate; fTasks.Free; inherited; end;
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