In many of my applications I have some data-objects which look something like this:
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This unit uses the SuperObject by Henri Gourvest
type TMyObject = class private fInt: integer; fDouble: double; fBool: boolean; public property IntegerProp : integer read fInt write fInt; property DoubleProp : double read fDouble write fDouble; property BoolProp : boolean read fBool write fBool; end;Writing a SaveToFile and LoadFromFile for each is tedious work and if I change the object I have to change the two procedures as well. With Delphis support for RTTI and class helpers we can get rid of the tedious work. I am using a class helper for TObject, so technically its possible to do this with every object.
TSerialHelper = class helper for TObject private function isPublicProperty(aProperty : TRttiProperty): boolean; public function Serialize(aHumanreadable : boolean = true) : string; procedure Deserialize(const text : string); end;And here is the implementation:
function TSerialHelper.Serialize(aHumanreadable : boolean = true): string; var context : TRttiContext; typ : TRttiType; prop : TRttiProperty; soJSON : ISuperObject; value : TValue; begin context := TRttiContext.Create; try typ := context.GetType(self.ClassType); soJSON := SO; // Get Superobject Interface for prop in typ.GetProperties do begin if isPublicProperty(prop) and prop.IsWritable then begin value := prop.GetValue(self); case value.Kind of tkInteger, tkInt64 : soJSON.I[prop.Name] := value.AsInteger; tkEnumeration: if value.IsType<boolean> then soJSON.B[prop.Name] := value.AsBoolean; tkFloat: soJSON.D[prop.Name] := value.AsExtended; tkChar, tkString, tkWChar, tkLString, tkWString, tkUString: soJSON.S[prop.Name] := value.AsString; end; end; end; result := soJSON.AsJSon(aHumanreadable); finally context.Free; end; end; procedure TSerialHelper.Deserialize(const text: string); var context : TRttiContext; typ : TRttiType; prop : TRttiProperty; soJSON : ISuperObject; begin context := TRttiContext.Create; try soJSON := SO(text); // Init the Superobject Interface typ := context.GetType(self.ClassType); for prop in typ.GetProperties do begin if isPublicProperty(prop) and prop.IsWritable then begin case prop.PropertyType.TypeKind of tkInteger, tkInt64 : prop.SetValue(self, TValue.From<int64>(soJSON.I[prop.Name])); tkEnumeration: if prop.GetValue(self).IsType<boolean> then prop.SetValue(self, TValue.From<boolean>(soJSON.B[prop.Name])); tkFloat: prop.SetValue(self, TValue.From<double>(soJSON.D[prop.Name])); tkChar, tkString, tkWChar, tkLString, tkWString, tkUString: prop.SetValue(self, TValue.From<string>(soJSON.S[prop.Name])); end; end; end; finally context.Free; end; end; function TSerialHelper.isPublicProperty(aProperty: TRttiProperty): boolean; begin result := aProperty.Visibility in [mvPublic, mvPublished]; end;It is not finished, since it can't serialize sets, arrays or childobjects, but so far it works for simple objects.
You can download the unit here.
This unit uses the SuperObject by Henri Gourvest
3 Kommentare:
You might want to check that the property is not read-only.
Thanks! I have updated the code.
And perhaps not a class property?
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