I finally found some time to add two features to my delphi-xe-json library.
I wrote a Formatter for JSON, that doesn't try to read the input into an IJSONArray or IJSONObject. The advantage is, that it even formats invalid JSON, which might make it easier to spot what is wrong with it.
I'm not completely happy with it, because it violates the DRY-Principle twice. I copied a method from TJSONReader and another one from TJSONReadableWriter, but I already have an idea how to fix that.
The other addition is bigger and still a work in progress, which is why I haven't merged the branch back into the master branch. I decided to share it anyway, because it is working with some restrictions and I don't think that the interface is changing a lot in the next time.
The idea was to generate Plain Old Delphi Objects (PODOs) from a JSON string. I utilized the code generator from Jeroen Pluimers which he kindly put under BSD-License in the repository from better-office benelux.
For convenience, I copied the three needed units in the delphi-xe-json repository, but I recommend using the original ones.
The usage is very simple:
Generated Unit
I wrote a Formatter for JSON, that doesn't try to read the input into an IJSONArray or IJSONObject. The advantage is, that it even formats invalid JSON, which might make it easier to spot what is wrong with it.
I'm not completely happy with it, because it violates the DRY-Principle twice. I copied a method from TJSONReader and another one from TJSONReadableWriter, but I already have an idea how to fix that.
The other addition is bigger and still a work in progress, which is why I haven't merged the branch back into the master branch. I decided to share it anyway, because it is working with some restrictions and I don't think that the interface is changing a lot in the next time.
The idea was to generate Plain Old Delphi Objects (PODOs) from a JSON string. I utilized the code generator from Jeroen Pluimers which he kindly put under BSD-License in the repository from better-office benelux.
For convenience, I copied the three needed units in the delphi-xe-json repository, but I recommend using the original ones.
The usage is very simple:
var jo : IJSONObject; begin jo := TJSON.NewObject({some json string}); Memo1.Lines.Text := TJSON.GeneratePODOUnit(jo); end;
{ "Name":"Test", "AnswerToLife":42, "Items": [ 1.41, 2.72, 3.13 ] }
Generated Unit
unit GeneratedUnit; interface uses Generics.Collections, JSON; type TItemsList = class; TGeneratedClass = class; TItemsList = class(TList<double>) public procedure LoadFromFile(aFilename : string); procedure SaveToFile(aFilename : string); procedure LoadFromJSON(ja : IJSONArray); procedure SaveToJSON(ja : IJSONArray); end; TGeneratedClass = class(TObject) strict private fItems: TItemsList; fAnswerToLife: integer; fName: string; public procedure LoadFromFile(aFilename : string); procedure SaveToFile(aFilename : string); constructor Create(); destructor Destroy(); override; procedure LoadFromJSON(jo : IJSONObject); procedure SaveToJSON(jo : IJSONObject); property Items: TItemsList read fItems; property AnswerToLife: integer read fAnswerToLife write fAnswerToLife; property Name: string read fName write fName; end; implementation uses IOUtils; { TItemsList } procedure TItemsList.LoadFromFile(aFilename : string); var json: IJSONArray; s: string; begin s := TFile.ReadAllText(aFilename); json := TJSON.NewArray(s); LoadFromJSON(json); end; procedure TItemsList.SaveToFile(aFilename : string); var json: IJSONArray; begin json := TJSON.NewArray; SaveToJSON(json); TFile.WriteAllText(aFilename, json.ToString); end; procedure TItemsList.LoadFromJSON(ja : IJSONArray); var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to ja.Count - 1 do begin Items[i] := ja.GetDouble(i); end; end; procedure TItemsList.SaveToJSON(ja : IJSONArray); var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to ja.Count - 1 do begin ja.put(Items[i]); end; end; { TGeneratedClass } procedure TGeneratedClass.LoadFromFile(aFilename : string); var json: IJSONObject; s: string; begin s := TFile.ReadAllText(aFilename); json := TJSON.NewObject(s); LoadFromJSON(json); end; procedure TGeneratedClass.SaveToFile(aFilename : string); var json: IJSONObject; begin json := TJSON.NewObject; SaveToJSON(json); TFile.WriteAllText(aFilename, json.ToString); end; constructor TGeneratedClass.Create(); begin fItems := TItemsList.Create; end; destructor TGeneratedClass.Destroy(); begin fItems.Free; inherited; end; procedure TGeneratedClass.LoadFromJSON(jo : IJSONObject); begin fItems.LoadFromJSON(jo.GetJSONArray('Items')); fAnswerToLife := jo.GetInteger('AnswerToLife'); fName := jo.GetString('Name'); end; procedure TGeneratedClass.SaveToJSON(jo : IJSONObject); var jaItems: IJSONArray; begin jaItems := TJSON.NewArray; fItems.SaveToJSON(jaItems); jo.Put('Items', jaItems); jo.Put('AnswerToLife', fAnswerToLife); jo.Put('Name', fName); end; end.
1 Kommentar:
I'm updating my codegenerator. It is now at https://bitbucket.org/jeroenp/besharp.net/src/tip/Native/Delphi/Library/RTL/TypeInformation/CodeGeneratorUnit.pas
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